Sunday, September 14, 2014

CAED Day 9: The Art Of Pancakes

I Heart Pancakes

One of my favorite meals to cook is breakfast and my favorite breakfast is pancakes.  And thanks to my pancake pen, I look forward to creating them almost as much as I do eating them.

I have tried a lot of different pancake mixes and recipes and never really had a favorite one.  However, since going on a (mostly) gluten free diet earlier this year, I have been experimenting a lot and have finally come up with a gluten free pancake recipe I love.  I'm happy to share it with you here.

Ingredients for Gluten Free Pancakes

Here's the ingredients I use:

1/2 Cup Dry Oats
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce
2 Eggs
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
Raw Honey (to taste) (Optional)
A Dash Of Cinnamon (Optional)
Blueberries (Optional)

Blending In

Here's how I make them:

I put all the ingredients except for the blueberries in the blender.  I like to put just a quick, one second drizzle of honey for sweetness.  Sometimes, if the batter seems a little thick, I might add a few drops of water.  I blend it on the highest speed for about a minute.  Then I add in some blueberries (not that whole bowl, just a handful or so) and hit the puree setting for a second or two. 

I then pour the batter into my handy pancake pen so I can "draw" my pancake onto a hot pan (yesterday I drew hearts and peace signs).  I coat my pan with a little coconut oil for added flavor and to make sure the batter doesn't stick.

Pancake In Progress

They don't take long to cook and take even less time to eat.  Hippie adds syrup to his but I eat mine just as they are and we both enjoy every artful bite.

Peace, Love and Pancakes