Monday, August 22, 2016

My Many Muses: Rick Springfield (2016)

Just a normal woman creating a giant Rick Springfield chalkboard mural in her living room.

There is an amusing moment during the concert on the Rick Springfield “Stripped Down” DVD where someone in the audience shouts, “We love you Rick!” and he says with a smile, “No you don't, you're just projecting.”

It reminded me that I have been guilty of projecting my ideals and fantasies onto my celebrity (and non celebrity) crushes in the past, with some disillusioning results. However, at some point I grew up and started investigating those attractions. I began asking myself exactly what qualities I admired in these people and, most importantly, how I could develop those qualities in myself. This is how many of the creative, expressive and talented people I was drawn to went from being daydream idols to inspiring muses.

For example, these days when I look at my once teenage crush Rick Springfield, I see more than a beautiful and talented man. I see someone who doesn't give up. I see someone who doesn't let doubt or depression keep him from creating. I see someone who knows the value of persistence and putting time and effort into his craft. I see someone who doesn't let his past or his age define him but keeps moving forward.

And seeing all of this has informed my choices and impacted my life in very positive ways.

And then there was dancing.

So, I won't say that I love Rick Springfield but I will say that I love what he shares with his fans and the world and I'm grateful for what that has helped me discover about myself.

By the way, if you haven't heard the latest Rick Springfield album, "Rocket Science", you should do something about that right away. You should also see him perform live if you get the chance and be sure to watch him in the new season of Supernatural this Fall.

Until next time, Happy creating.

Peace, Love and Art,

Click Here for more "My Many Muses" posts.

Click here to see more of my chalkboard murals.

Oh, and you can see a clip of me performing Jessie's Girl here.


  1. I couldn't love this more! Rick would be proud! Kudos on yet another inspiring, magical post.
