Saturday, November 3, 2012

Garden In Progress: Autumn

The Entrance To My Garden In Autumn

Autumn would be a perfect time for getting some gardening done...if I wasn't so busy with other things.  I got a little work done last month and soon will be bringing in most of the statues and other decorations.  Everything else can wait for spring.  By then I am sure I will have new dreams and plans and hopefully renewed energy for this garden in progress.

I hope you enjoy these photos I have taken of my yard and garden in Autumn:

St. Francis surrounded by Mums

Autumn Offerings

Autumn Enchantment

Zinnia Patch

Autumn Irises

November Roses

Gate closed


  1. What a wonderful garden!

    Mine is all damp and dreary at the moment and waiting for its final 'putting to bed' for the winter - when I get time! But yours is such an inspiration, I think I'll just have to 'make time'!!

    1. Thanks, Judy. Of course, not pictured here are the weeds but I am glad these photos could inspire you. :)
